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Bhagavad Gita has inspirited several Indian national leaders and furnished them with motivation, strength, moral courage and clarity of thought; by which they have manage the country in its struggle time. Arguably, these are essential elements for shaping today’s good leader or manager. If we enhance the skills, orientation and attitude to focus upon the storehouse of the knowledge for our daily living issues (such as Business Management issues), then we will understood that the world of ancient Indian wisdom opens up. One may locate a number of direct and relevant thoughts in these texts. Bhagavad Gita also offers perspectives on how to manage certain things in life, understand complex things that we go through in simple terms (just as the example of birth and death). It also offers direct ideas and sets us in a state of contemplation. Stress management is a big issue today. Most of the knowledge and help we get from the modern day thinking is to suppress or divert our attention from the issue of stress. They implicitly operate with an assumption that stress will be inevitably generated and the solution lies in doing something about it once we are stressed. There is a greater promise and potential for much larger perspectives in ancient Indian wisdom and much greater propensity to draw out of it and apply in a variety of situations.

Proper knowledge and practices of Bhagavad Gita is very much essential to shape the personality of employees irrespective of their responsibility and authority. Bhagavad Gita plays a vital role in developing the personality to suit the present generation for peace and happiness.

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