Spirituality is basically the Process of all-round Development of Personality-A Research Article

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Dr. Ajay Krishan Tiwari


People have not yet understood the true meaning of spirituality, and spirituality That is why they hesitate to adopt it. People believe that spirituality means to live a life of scarcity and to suffer oneself. This definition of spirituality wants people to drift away from spiritual life, because they do not seem to have anything in it that can help them in their interest, whereas the truth is contrary. Spirituality has nothing to do with a person's external life, how he lives, what he wears, what he eats, and what he eats. The subject of spirituality is connected to the inner life of man. All the activities that make a person clean make a person full of joy. Gives a feeling of perfection, introduces oneself. Often unbelieving believers forget to consider righteousness as spirituality. But the difference between the two is very deep. The first is human, and the second is divine. The law can make people religious, but not spiritual. Righteousness is influenced by what appears outside, spirituality is mainly related to the heart.

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