Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance in Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

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Simon Emmanuel Hart Dappa Kalapapa Benjamin


Knowledge management and organizational performance of manufacturing firms in Nigeria have been adequately investigated. Data was obtained through the use of questionnaire and personal interviews of the sampled population. The hypothesis for the study were tested using the spearman rank order correlation co-efficient designated as rho. The findings of this research study shows amongst others that: there exists a positive relationship between knowledge transfer, organizational memory and knowledge retrieval with improved organizational profit, organizational growth and market share. The findings further shows that inadequate funding, poorly trained personnel/manpower, as well as poor technology in operations affects the effective implementation of knowledge management. The study has recommended amongst others that, manufacturing firms should provide knowledge management systems for users in a structured way to retrieve data and information to increase corporate effectiveness. Manufacturing firms should ensure the effective management of their operations in order to achieve their goals/objectives. And that manufacturing firms should be both proactive and innovative and must be concerned about their product quality and services so as to sustain the patronage of its customers.

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