On Effective Analysis of Employee Performance Appraisal System in DMI-St. Eugene University, Zambia

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Sahaya Rani R. Sakthivel


Employee performance has drawn attention by numerous human resource managers. As a result, a number of performance appraisal and its techniques have over time been devised to help establish employee‘s performance. In the recent times, there has been the usage of this appraisal in assessing employee’s performance in most of the organizations in Zambia. Other organizations have sort to motivate their work force as a way of enhancing their performance towards goal achievement of organizational goals. This study‘s main objectives pertained to establishing the moderating role of performance appraisal as a motivation tool as well as potential challenges. The specific aspects of performance appraisal systems (PAS) that help improve motivation include the linking of performance to rewards; using the PAS to help set objectives and benchmarks; as well as the use of PA to help identify employee‘s strength and weaknesses.

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