The Effects of Social Media on Consumer Buying Behaviour-A Case Study of Barclays Bank PLC Vs Zanaco Bank, Zambia

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A. Ananda Kumar R. Sakthivel


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of social media on consumer buying behavior studying the two banks namely Barclays bank and Zanaco bank Zambia. This study was guided by the main objective which was to examine the impact of social media and its effects on consumers. This research used qualitative design which compares one banking marketing strategies against the other. This study was analysis their entire objectives effectively on through the various ways. Finally, it was concluded that prescribed social media sites offered effective messages to the consumers, particularly from the organization site, this has also relieved in brand positioning among in social media. Social media assistance to create a strong loyal with organizations and features or facilitates are exchanged the information with others in online users.

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