Determination of the Factors of Job Satisfaction among the Teachers of Self Financing Colleges in Chennai City

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S Metilda Salomi


Many studies at international level identified that the job satisfaction is not unique phenomenon but it is the combination of several factors depending upon the work environment. In this context the researcher attempted in this direction of determining the exact number of factors directly leading to the job satisfaction of college teachers. The study depends upon the primary data collected from government, government aided and self financing quality cheers within the limitations of Chennai city. The researcher applied convenience sampling method to obtain the responses, totally researcher circulated 300 questionnaires and able to receive only 288 filled in responses. Hence the sample size of the research is 288. After collecting the responses the researcher used structural equation model to prove the validity of job satisfaction factors. In the structural equation model the researcher used six fit indices along with their benchmark values. The results proved that job satisfaction depends upon both monetary and nonmonetary factors namely performance appraisal system, training and development, management policies, interpersonal relationships, emoluments and personal benefits.

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