Evaluating the Effectiveness of training using Kirkpatrick model in Software industry-study in Q-spiders unit of Test Yantra Software Solutions, Bangalore

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Dr. B. Janakiraman


An effective training creates an employee extra efficient and productive. It is sine-qua-non for augmenting the skills, capabilities and knowledge of the worker. Training benefits the organisation also in making the use of other resources like Money, Materials, Machines, Markets, Methods and Minutes besides Manpower to perform effectively to reach the organisational objectives. The significance of the training totally depends on what it achieves. Appraisal of training effectiveness is an essential endeavour because it scrutinises to what extent the acquired knowledge is actually passed on to the workplace. This study based on Kirkpatrick model was aimed to conduct an assessment of training effectiveness especially in software industry, one of the fastest growing sectors in Indian business environment. Besides this study attempts to relate the four levels of Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation with the demographic variables like gender, department, age and qualification and in that way the study is novel and significant.

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