Causative Determinants of Work Engagement among Employees-A Study of NGOs in Bangalore

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Mrs. Deepthi William Dr. B Janakiraman


NGOs are non-profit groups with a development focus that offer free services to both their own members and others in need. More people who are excited about and interested in the spirit of giving and volunteering are participating in NGOs. The 24/7 work culture of an NGO seems favourable and desirable from the perspective of human resource management. In relation to the above, the goal of this survey is to find out how much attention NGOs (especially those in Bangalore) give to the development of their human resources as well as the effect of several determinants on the staff's involvement in their job. A standardised questionnaire is used to gather primary data, which is then analysed using SPSS. According to the authors' understanding, interpretations, findings, and recommendations are offered.

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