Impact of Technology on Commerce Education in India-A Study

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B. Shirisha


Commerce education prepares students for socially desirable and personally fruitful career in the area of business and finance. Pursuing higher education in Commerce in India, the students can acquire the knowledge of trade, business, fluctuations in the market, fiscal policies, basics of economics, policies of industries, etc. The commerce education equips students with specialised skills that help them in excel in different functional areas of industry, commerce and trade. The commerce students are able to use technology to earn their own livelihood and to lead a graceful life but also to provide livelihood to others also. The technology has significantly revolutionized teaching process and using technology in teaching will create interesting, interactive, collaborative and useful by enriching the teaching methodology of almost every subject including commerce. Unfortunately, teachers of commerce seldom realize the importance of technology in teaching of commerce. In this backdrop, there is need to study the significance of technology in commerce education.

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