A Review of Current Trends in Smart Room Technology within the Hotel Industry in India

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Priya Harit Dr. Devangana Verma


This review paper provides an in-depth analysis of the burgeoning smart room trends within the hotel industry in India. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, hotels in India are increasingly integrating smart technologies into their guest rooms to elevate the overall guest experience. The paper explores key smart room technologies, including automation systems, mobile integration, and personalized services, shedding light on their impact on guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. By examining case studies and addressing challenges such as cost implications and data security concerns, the paper offers valuable insights into the current state of smart room adoption in India. Furthermore, it delves into the future trajectory of these trends, anticipating potential advancements and their implications for both hoteliers and guests. This comprehensive review contributes to a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of smart room technologies in Indian hotels, providing a foundation for future research and strategic industry developments.

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