Performance and Information Technology: An Empirical Analysis Affecting the Hotel Sector in Mures County

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Dr. Praveen Kumar Harpreet Singh


The hotel sector needs to create, deploy, and improve information technology due to the constantly changing competitive environment. Since client contentment is crucial, hotels must adopt new technologies that help them comprehend what their patrons need to consume and that help them meet the demands of the present service delivery framework. In light of the situation, we believe that information technology-a claim backed by worldwide study in the field-should be a vital tool used by hotels in their efforts to improve performance. With the use of parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques, the current study thus demonstrates the significance of information technology implementation for managers as well as the relationship between the elements that characterize information technology in hotels in Mure?? county and economic performance.

The findings partially validate the research hypotheses, thus the hotel sector in Mure?? county ought to think about advancing information technology to support the sector. The study's conclusions highlight how crucial it is for hotel management to satisfy guests and produce results that are implicitly beneficial to the business.

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