International Journal of Transformation in Accounting, Auditing & Taxation [ISSN: 2581-7590 (online)]
<p style="text-align: justify;">International Journal of Transformation in Accounting, Auditing & Taxation (IJTAAT) is a scholarly open access, peer review journal which publishes original research work, recent surveys, reviews, recent trends and innovations in the field of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. Articles of interdisciplinary nature and professional interests are most warmly welcomed. Submitted manuscripts undergo a fast and rigorous review process to ensure accuracy, relevancy and originality of submitted manuscripts.</p> (Eureka Journals)OJS PARAMETERS OF PRIVATE THAI HOSPITALS: SUMMARIZATION ON REPORTED DATA
<p>Accounting and auditing is the important process for control of any business including to medical business. Each year, there must be the review of the efficacy of the business activity. In this short report, the author summarizes on the data of the important accounting parameters of the main private hospitals in Thailand.</p>VIROJ WIWANITKIT DIFFERENCES IN CONSUMERS’ PERCEPTION OF ONLINE SHOPPING: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY
<p>The growth of e-shopping usage has provided the new way of marketing and distribution of goods and services. While in the early days of e-shopping, gender gap has existed in using internet, and it is particularly apparent for online shopping. Female recognize high level of risk for e-shopping, and as a result they tend to hesitate to make purchase online. In the current scenario, online shopping has become a convenient medium and save time of the final users of the goods and services. It has changed the pattern of shopping by the customer through modern market. In India, the number of internet users increasing day by day with the change of technology of market for doing business. Therefore, the online shopping spread the way with a very rapid pace in Indian market. The present study focused on online shopping perception by university student’s gender wise. Furthermore, we examine the factors for intension of online shopping gender difference by the students’. For the present study, the five point Likert scale has been used to measure the perception between the genders. For the analysis of the study, a structured questionnaire was designed. The sample of 200 students’ from two Indian University and on the basis of their availability a convenient sampling method was used. This study reveals that male students’ are more interested in online shopping than female students’.</p>IZHAR AHMAD, MOHD AMIR, MAZHAR IQBAL AND ITS IMPACT ON INDIAN ECONOMY
<p>Goods and service tax (GST), the biggest tax reform in India is constituted on the notion of “One Nation- One Taxâ€. It is a path breaking indirect tax reform which has created a common national market by dismantling inter-state trade barriers. Beyond shadow of doubt, Goods and Services Tax (GST) has become a reality from 1<sup>st</sup> July, 2017.</p> <p>He main rationale behind GST is to eliminate cascading effect (tax on tax) and to replace existing taxes like value-added tax (VAT), excise duty, service tax and sales tax with single comprehensive tax, bringing it all under single umbrella. It will subsume all indirect taxes of Central and State Governments and unified economy into a seamless National Market. It is expected to reduce cost of production and inflation in the economy, thereby making the Indian trade and industry more competitive, domestically as well as internationally.</p> <p>The paper presents an overview of GST concept, explains its features and also shows the positive and negative impact of GST on Indian Economy.</p>RANA ZEHRA MASOOD OF OVERCONFIDENCE AND LOSS AVERSION BIASES ON INVESTMENT DECISION: MODERATING ROLE OF RISK PERCEPTION
<p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of behavioural biases overconfidence and loss aversion on the decision making behaviour of individual equity investor by considering the risk perception as moderator. Behavioural finance suggests that human decision making involves a combination of cognitive and affective dimensions. The results of study are helpful for the policy makers, financial advisor, equity investor, finance teacher and finance students. To conduct the study, questionnaires were issued to the investors of Islamabad stock exchange and Lahore stock exchange a total of 250 questionnaires were distributed of which 160investors responded of which 90% were men and 10% were women. The results indicated that investors are affected by overconfidence and loss aversion biases. Loss aversion bias has significant effect because 70% of the investors were affected and overconfidence bias has significant effect. <br>The measure with the reworded items is shown in the Appendix 1.</p>ANILA RAFIQUE KHAN, MAHWISH AZEEM, SALMAN SARWAR OF TAX ON LONG TERM CAPITAL GAINS (LTCG) IN INDIAN STOCK MARKET
<p>One of the greatest feelings of trepidation of value financial specialists has worked out as expected: Long Term Capital Gain (LTCG) assess on values is back. Grandfathering of capital increases till 31 Jan 2018, LTCG earned up to this date won't be liable to charge kept the market from plunging on Budget day, however it couldn't get control over the fall the following day. From an individual reserve funds and speculation point of view, the rebuilding of long term capital gain on value salary is a colossal change.</p>NITIN PATIL OF GST IN VARIOUS INDIAN INDUSTRIES
<p>GST is a uniform indirect tax levied on supply of goods as well as in services. Under this tax reform, the tax is passed on till the final stage of supply chain in which the consumer bear a lower final cost. It is expected to be implemented from April1, 2017 after long pending from April 2010. The paper is based on conceptual research with exploratory cum descriptive in nature based on secondary data. This paper explains the concept of GST with the pros and cons of implementing GST in India along with their impacts on various sectors. It also highlights a comparative details between proposed GST scenario and current tax scenario.</p>DR PRIYANKA JAIN