Multiple Publications, Paper Mill, Overlapping Reports: Ethical Discussion in Journalism

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Pathum Sookaromdeee Somsri Wiwanitkit Viroj Wiwanitkit


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ethical implications of multiple publications, paper mills, and overlapping reports in journalism. As digital media and the pressure to produce content at a rapid pace grow, journalists face increasing challenges in maintaining integrity and accuracy in their work. Multiple publication raises concerns about plagiarism, lack of originality, and the erosion of journalistic standards. Furthermore, paper mills, which are platforms that generate news articles automatically without human oversight, complicate ethical considerations by blurring the distinction between human-authored and algorithmically-generated content. Furthermore, overlapping reports can result in duplications, contradictions, and misinformation when multiple journalists cover the same event or topic. These ethical quandaries necessitate a thorough examination of journalistic practices, editorial guidelines, and professional accountability. This paper provides a thoughtful discussion on how journalism can navigate these challenges and ensure responsible reporting in the digital era by analyzing case studies and engaging in ethical debates.

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