Instagram and its Influence on Young Girls: A Study in Mysore City

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Asmatullah Daneshjo


This comprehensive study delves into the intricate dynamics of Instagram's influence on young girls, drawing from the perspectives of 43 participants, a majority of whom hail from India. The research primarily captures the experiences of individuals aged 20-23, reflecting the profound cultural shift brought about by the internet age. Educational backgrounds vary, with 81% being postgraduate students and the remaining 19% pursuing degrees. The study portrays Instagram as a multifaceted platform, serving as both a communication channel and a source of entertainment. Participants actively invest 1-3 hours daily on Instagram, revealing the platform's pivotal role in their lives. Posting behavior is a nuanced process, with users often employing filters and careful selection from multiple photos. The quest for likes and comments emerges as a driving force, impacting emotional well-being. However, intriguingly, a significant portion of users maintains a nonchalant attitude when their posts receive less engagement, highlighting diverse coping mechanisms.The darker side of Instagram unfolds in the form of annoying messages, social comparisons, and body image concerns. More than 50% of respondents admit to occasional feelings of inadequacy whencomparing themselves to others on the platform. The study also uncovers a concerning trend of users attempting to emulate others, leading to a loss of personal identity. Time management proves to be a common challenge, with over 70% of users expressing difficulty in controlling their time spent on Instagram. This, in turn, can contribute to food disorders, as users occasionally forget to eat on time while engrossed in the platform.Despite these challenges, Instagram serves as a valuable emotional support system, alleviating feelings of loneliness and sometimes even combating depression. This dichotomy paints Instagram as a double-edged sword, both enabling and constraining, prompting a nuanced exploration of its impact on the lives of young girls. The findings contribute significantly to the evolving literature on social media's intricate influence on human behavior, emphasizing the need for ongoing research and a nuanced understanding of digital engagement's consequences.

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