Analysis of Globalization of Means of Communication in Economic and Political Context

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Dr. Ajay Krishna Tiwari


The globalization of communications has its roots in philosophical and economic thinking, dating back to the writers of the Age of Enlightenment and classical economics. As early as 1833, the author of a reference work on colonization, publisher of Adam Smith and one of the founders of the Commonwealth, E.G. Wakefield wrote: "The whole world is before you". Thus, this means that thanks to the colonies, there was almost unlimited potential for development in the capitalist economic system. The capitalist system is naturally one of permanent expansion. Globalization appears to be embedded in capitalist economic logic. Globalization of communications is one of the modern forms adopted by capitalism in its insatiable pursuit of growth and expansion, establishing itself first in the 19th, then in the 20th century. The first part of this article will emphasize that the globalization of communications is a long-term process, which characterizes the history of capitalism, but which is structured from a technological perspective during the 20th century and which actually took shape as the deregulation movement began. Takes. From 1984, the second part of the text will show that far from standardization and the global village, globalization is made up of conflict and conflict.

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