Problematic Possible Unethical Re-decision and Retraction: Questionable Practices in Academic Publishing of Journals

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Pathum Sookaromdee Viroj Wiwanitkit


In the world of academic publishing, integrity and honesty are fundamental principles that are expected to be upheld by both authors and publishers. However, there is growing concern over the unethical practices of re-decision and retraction in academic publishing, which can have damaging effects on the credibility and reliability of research. This paper examines the prevalence of these questionable practices and explores potential solutions to mitigate their impact on the scholarly community.    Here, two important case studies are discussed. In the first case, the journal displayed unethical behavior by re-decision to reject an already accepted submission without providing specific reasons or feedback to the author, indicating a low standard of ethics and professionalism. The lack of transparency and refusal to engage in further communication with the author raises concerns about the journal's integrity and credibility, potentially harming the academic community and diminishing the quality of research being disseminated. This unethical conduct can negatively impact the reputation of the journal and erode trust within the scientific community.In the second case, the retraction of the commentary letter by academicians raises questions about the ethical practices of the journal, as the reasons provided for the retraction seem vague and potentially biased. The failure to address the conflict of interest of the author in the retraction decision undermines the journal's commitment to upholding ethical standards in academic publishing. By allowing biases and conflicts of interest to influence editorial decisions, the journal compromises its credibility and raises doubts about the validity of its peer-review process.Overall, both cases highlight the importance of ethical conduct and transparency in academic publishing. Authors should be treated fairly and given the opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue, while journals should prioritize rigorous peer review and uphold ethical publishing practices to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of scientific research. Without strict adherence to ethical standards, the academic community risks losing confidence in the reliability and credibility of published research.

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