International Journal on Transformations of Media, Journalism & Mass Communication (Online ISSN: 2581-3439, Impact Factor: 5.856) 2024-06-19T09:21:49+00:00 Eureka Journals Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">International Journal on Transformations of Media, Journalism &amp; Mass Communication&nbsp;(IJTMJMC) is a Peer-Reviewed journal that publishes articles on Media, Journalism and&nbsp;Mass Communication. It covers aspects from fundamental principles to practical implementation, intending to bring up-to-date, emerging and active developments, issues, and events to research, educational, and professional communities. The journal focuses on a fast peer-review process of submitted papers to ensure accuracy, the relevance of articles and originality of papers.</p> Does Social Media Influence the Mental Health Status of Jamaicans? 2024-02-27T16:08:18+00:00 Paul Andrew Bourne Edward Lambert <p>Social networking (media) has radically transformed traditional communication. People can now access immediate correspondence and dialogue with others across a vast geo-political landscape. The new era of social networking brings with it benefits and disbenefits. This means that social media usage affects people’s well-being. Studies have found that social networking positively influences people’s mental health as well as negatively affects psychological well-being. There is no research-based consensus that social media only positively or negatively influences well-being. There are over 1.4 million social media users in Jamaica, and a search of the literature at the time of this research did not review a single study on whether social media influences Jamaicans’ psychological well-being (or mental health). This lack of research-based information retards planning and the implementation of needed interventions if needs be. The objective of this research is to evaluate whether social media usage influences the mental health status of Jamaican social media users, and what is the direction of this relationship if one exists.</p> <p>A web-based cross-sectional survey was used to examine the research objective. Using Survey Monkey’s sample size calculator, the computed sample size was 1,068 Jamaicans. The researcher utilizes social media (WhatsApp, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) to obtain the respondents. A team of data collectors was trained and each was responsible for collecting data from social media users for a particular parish. Social media was found to be negatively associated with the mental health status of Jamaicans. On average, youths (ages ? 24 years) spent approximately 6±5 hours, adults spent 4±5 hours, and seniors used 3±4 hours on social networking daily. This research provides research-based information on how excessive social media usage is reducing the mental health of Jamaicans. This study is the platform for understanding the effect of social media usage and should be the catalyst for needed change before the matter becomes an epidemic.</p> Analysis of Globalization of Means of Communication in Economic and Political Context 2024-04-17T09:32:24+00:00 Dr. Ajay Krishna Tiwari <p>The globalization of communications has its roots in philosophical and economic thinking, dating back to the writers of the Age of Enlightenment and classical economics. As early as 1833, the author of a reference work on colonization, publisher of Adam Smith and one of the founders of the Commonwealth, E.G. Wakefield wrote: "The whole world is before you". Thus, this means that thanks to the colonies, there was almost unlimited potential for development in the capitalist economic system. The capitalist system is naturally one of permanent expansion. Globalization appears to be embedded in capitalist economic logic. Globalization of communications is one of the modern forms adopted by capitalism in its insatiable pursuit of growth and expansion, establishing itself first in the 19th, then in the 20th century. The first part of this article will emphasize that the globalization of communications is a long-term process, which characterizes the history of capitalism, but which is structured from a technological perspective during the 20th century and which actually took shape as the deregulation movement began. Takes. From 1984, the second part of the text will show that far from standardization and the global village, globalization is made up of conflict and conflict.</p> Influence of Digital Communication Technology on the Operations of Star Television and the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC1) 2024-05-29T07:18:06+00:00 Janeth Mushi Okechukwu Chukwuma (PhD) <p>This study aimed at Investigating the influence of digital communication technology on the operations of Star Television and the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC1). The focus of the study was the ascertain how the adoption of digital communication technology is improving the processing and distribution of content by the two television stations. The survey research method was used for the study. A total of 110 broadcasting staff of Star Television and the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC1) participated in the study. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaire and analyzed using statistical tool such as the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Finding revealed that the adoption of digital communication technology has significantly improved content processing in Star TV and the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC 1). It was also revealed that the adoption of the digital communication technology has improved content dissemination in both television stations. Based on the findings, the study recommended that Star TV and TBC1 must continue to keep themselves updated with the latest technological advancements and trends for effective compliance with the demands of modern television broadcasting. By staying informed, they can better understand the applications of digital media technology on their operations and make informed decisions. More so, owners of Star Television and TBC1 must ensure that their infrastructure is capable of handling the changes that come with digital media technology implementation. They should assess their existing technology stack and identify areas that require upgrades or improvements so as to be relevant in this communication technology driven era. Again, broadcast staff of Star TV and TBC1 must continue to approach digital media technology implementation with strategic and well-thought-out plans. By doing so, they can avoid being left behind by the rapidly evolving technology landscape as well as the massive technology inspired changing phase of television broadcasting. This will enable them to effectively continue to apply emerging technologies to enhance their operations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Influence of Channels Television’s Voter Education Messages on the Awareness and Participation of South East Residents during 2023 General Election in Nigeria 2024-05-29T09:33:24+00:00 James Chidiebere Nwodo <p>The study investigated the influence of Channels Television’s voter education messages on the awareness and participation of South-East residents during the 2023 general elections in Nigeria. The survey research method was used to carry out the study. The 25268417 residents of South-East Nigeria were used as the population of the study from where a sample size of 384 was drawn using the Wimmer and Dominick online sample size calculator. The multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the local government areas, communities and individuals who participated in the study. Both the questionnaire and interview guide were used for data collection. After the data collection and cleaning, the generated quantitative data were collated, presented and analysed using tables and simple percentages while the generated qualitative data were transcribed and presented using the explanation building technique. Simple percentages were used to answer the research questions. Based on the outcomes of the analysis of data, the study found that Channels Television’s voter education messages significantly raised the awareness of voter registration centres among majority of the respondents for the 2023 general elections; the voter education messages by Channels Television could not significantly help majority of respondents to identify their polling units during the 2023 general elections; Channels Television messages adequately raised majority of the respondents’ awareness on the political parties and candidates that contested for various positions in the 2023 general elections; and finally the voter education messages by Channels Television significantly mobilised majority of the respondents to properly cast their ballots during the 2023 general elections. The study consequently recommended among others that in preparing voter education messages for subsequent elections in Nigeria, Channels Television should collaborate with INEC and give adequate attention to the aspect of polling units to facilitate voters’ awareness and identification of their polling units</p> Issues on Proficiency and Conflict of Interest of Editors in Academic Publishing 2024-06-19T09:11:49+00:00 Pathum Sookaromdee Viroj Wiwanitkit <p>This article explores the various issues surrounding the proficiency and conflict of interest of editors in academic publishing. Examples include lazy editors who do not take action, editors who agree with unfair retractions, editors with conflicts of interest, and editors who neglect communication with authors. The importance of editorial control and post-publication management is also discussed.</p> Problematic Possible Unethical Re-decision and Retraction: Questionable Practices in Academic Publishing of Journals 2024-06-19T09:15:54+00:00 Pathum Sookaromdee Viroj Wiwanitkit <p>In the world of academic publishing, integrity and honesty are fundamental principles that are expected to be upheld by both authors and publishers. However, there is growing concern over the unethical practices of re-decision and retraction in academic publishing, which can have damaging effects on the credibility and reliability of research. This paper examines the prevalence of these questionable practices and explores potential solutions to mitigate their impact on the scholarly community.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Here, two important case studies are discussed. In the first case, the journal displayed unethical behavior by re-decision to reject an already accepted submission without providing specific reasons or feedback to the author, indicating a low standard of ethics and professionalism. The lack of transparency and refusal to engage in further communication with the author raises concerns about the journal's integrity and credibility, potentially harming the academic community and diminishing the quality of research being disseminated. This unethical conduct can negatively impact the reputation of the journal and erode trust within the scientific community.In the second case, the retraction of the commentary letter by academicians raises questions about the ethical practices of the journal, as the reasons provided for the retraction seem vague and potentially biased. The failure to address the conflict of interest of the author in the retraction decision undermines the journal's commitment to upholding ethical standards in academic publishing. By allowing biases and conflicts of interest to influence editorial decisions, the journal compromises its credibility and raises doubts about the validity of its peer-review process.Overall, both cases highlight the importance of ethical conduct and transparency in academic publishing. Authors should be treated fairly and given the opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue, while journals should prioritize rigorous peer review and uphold ethical publishing practices to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of scientific research. Without strict adherence to ethical standards, the academic community risks losing confidence in the reliability and credibility of published research.</p> 2024-06-19T09:15:54+00:00 Addressing the Issue of Academic Bullying and Unethical Authors in Scholarly Publishing 2024-06-19T09:21:49+00:00 Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip Viroj Wiwanitkit <p>Academic bullying has become an emerging problem in scholarly publishing, particularly when unethical authors resort to using their own blog posts or publications in low-standard journals to attack those who criticize their work or expose their conflicts of interest. This article examines the tactics used by these authors and provides strategies for addressing this issue within the academic community.</p> 2024-06-19T09:21:49+00:00