A Study on Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Hotels of Chandigarh
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Services are Intangible in nature, they are to be produced and consumed immediately it cannot be stored. Thus arises the need to analyse the impact of ‘Service’ on consumers and their behaviour. The study focuses on the Impact which quality of service (QOS) has on customer behaviour. In today’s era Customer is the King thus the marketing today is quite customer oriented in terms of product. Where’s when service is concerned, we need to analyse consumer perception, like and dislikes to a standard of service. Quality of Service is considered as the important centre idea and a critical achievement factor in the hotel business The Hotel industry is highly likely to succeed by interpreting their consumer group and their needs. There are various factors which might affect the customer’s choice of destination like: Dining environment, Menu, food & beverage, service staff, service quality and overall satisfaction. The most important factor of these was service staff and service quality provided. The research was conducted through a well structure questionnaire which was circulated among 100 residents in Chandigarh: The beautiful city.