Women Empowerment Policies in Selected Hotels of Vadodara

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Kapil Mehta Satish Jha


The UNO Summit in Paris in 2015 determined the 17 goals for the member countries to achieve in order to develop in an appropriate manner that will give an impetus to develop today while keeping in mind the social & natural needs of the future generations. Particularly 2 goals that have been set are directly related with Women Empowerment & Gender equality needs. Though the countries have been given the targets to achieve but at the national level specifically the sectors of an economy have to contribute a lot as it is the farfetched dream to be achieved. It makes the hotel inspired to work efficiently by aligning to sustainable development goals this research has the relevance to these two sustainable development goals of women empowerment and gender equality to be achieved by hotel industry by including the guidelines in policy making as it is a part of service sector of the economy.

This research is aimed at finding out the policies of women empowerment & gender equality at workplace in some 3&4 star hotels in Vadodara city of Gujarat state. It emphasizes on the policies set and followed by selected hotels in Vadodara city. These policies may include maternity benefits, equal monetary benefit, sense of privacy & safety as well as security of women at work place.

The study covers geographical area of Vadodara city because it absorbs the labor force in hotel Industry significantly as the city being an industrial hub it attracts business tourists from across the globe and thus has the facility of accommodation and Food & beverage offered in small to large size of hotels. The convenience sampling includes selected, Four 4 star & Four 3 star hotels in Vadodara city to observe& analyze the policies making keeping women empowerment in focus. The exploration brings out that positive steps have been taken by these selected hotels in regards with leaves, recruitment, pay scale while showing that women in top management is still a goal that needs to be achieved among the other goals for women empowerment.

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