Inter-Correlation Matrix of Job Related Factors: An Investigation of Association Degree

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Dr. Suresh Kumar Miss Upma Dhiman


Job satisfaction has received care from studies of organizational behavior, which have scrutinized job satisfaction as antecedents of amended leadership capabilities and human resource management. Generally, concepts and measurement instruments have been settled in Western countries. Consequently, job satisfaction has been deliberate extensively in Western Europe and the United States. As viewed by organizational climate is a creation of leadership practices, communication practices and continuing and systematic characteristics of divisions of any specific organization, while too has its unique identity or “personality” which, according to Insel and Moore (1974), exerts directional influences on behavior. Kandan, M. (1985) the study aimed to investigate, “Perception of Organizational Climate and Need Satisfaction among Bank Employees” On the basis of conceptual framework and review of literature the question can be raised: what is extent of correlation among Job Satisfaction (J.S), Self-esteem (S.E) Organizational Climate (O.C), Occupational Stress ( O.S) propensity to stay at Job ( P.S.) and the Job Performance (J.P) are correlated.

The study employed a quantitative methodology. Data was collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is has been developed and validated prior to survey. The target population consists of employees of an public sector organisation. Simple random sampling is used for collection of data from 320 employees This paper may benefit society by encouraging people to contribute more to their jobs and may help them in their personal growth and development. Hence, it is essential for an organization to motivate their employees to work hard for achieving the organizational goals and objectives

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