Hydrogen Fuel, Biomass, Solar and Nuclear Energy Opportunity to Green Future

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Abeer Mohamad Abdel Razek Youssef


Any fuel derived from biomass is biofuel, and biomass is all sustainable and renewable materials of animal or plant origin that we can use to produce energy. Bioenergy is divided into two categories: traditional bioenergy, which is the traditional use of biomass through burning wood, animal waste, and coal. The second category is the modern bioenergy category and includes liquid biofuels that are produced from plants, such as sugarcane and corn, in addition to anaerobic digestion. For waste, and other technologies used to produce biodiesel, ethanol, etc., in addition to methane and hydrogen gases.

This fuel, which is classified as “bio,” is obtained from the industrial analysis of crops, waste, and animal remains that can be reused, such as (straw, wood, manure, rice straw, decomposition of household waste, workshop and factory waste, food waste), which It can be converted into biogas by microbes with anaerobic digestion. The biomass used as fuel is classified into several types, such as animal, wood, and herbal waste, and biomass has no direct impact on its value as an energy source. It is currently noted that the types of Other types of renewable energy outperform that type of fuel in terms of carbon neutrality, due to the high use of fossil fuels in its production, in addition to the carbon dioxide resulting from the combustion of biofuels as well as other non-environmental gases.

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