An Impact of Diversification on Multinational Organisations- A Case Study Conducted In Trade Kings, Zambia

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Dr. A. Ananda Kumar Dr. R. Sakthivel


Diversification to a business that operates in many nations puts it out in a safe place because when it comes to the economy of the different nations, because if one product fails they can rely on the other products that they offer and if they fail in one country they are not likely to fail in all the countries that purchase their goods hence the result of diversification is that they will not suffer a loss even if they didn’t not manage to be successfully, we can use an example of a family, they may be two children but they are both not likely to go to school for the same thing which is also an act of diversification. The manufacturing sector/ industry is of great importance to all nations because it holds the nations unique products that contribute largely to the economic structure of the nation.

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