About the Journal
ISSN: 2581-4869 (online)
International journal of Transformation in Tourism & Hospitality Management and Cultural Heritage is a scholarly peer review, refereed journal which provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to publish the most recent innovations, trends and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted to meet the cutting-edge developments in the field of Tourism & Hospitality Management and Cultural Heritage.
The mission of International journal of Transformation in Tourism & Hospitality Management and Cultural Heritage is to promote the worldwide studies and explore a wide range of Tourism & Hospitality Management and Cultural Heritage principles and practices to reflect diverse heritage history and technology for the interest of mankind in the prevailing innovative environment.
Focus & Scope
Topics of relevance include all aspects of the management foundations, techniques, and applications of Tourism & Hospitality Management and Cultural Heritagesuch as:
Tourism & Hospitality Management:
- Agri-tourism
- Birth tourism
- Culinary tourism
- Cultural tourism
- Customer Oriented tourism services
- Eco-Tourism
- Extreme tourism
- Emerging technologies, social media and e-tourism
- Emerging markets and new destinations
- Education for tourism and hospitality
- Future trends in the hospitality and tourism marketing
- GIS applications in tourism
- Geo-tourism
- Ghetto tourism
- Innovation and entrepreneurship in tourism
- IT in tourism
- Indigenous tourism marketing
- Innovative marketing strategies for tourism
- Heritage tourism
- Marketing in tourism and hospitality
- Medical tourism
- Marketing for hospitality and tourism products
- Marketing for special interest tourism products
- Nautical tourism
- Niche tourism
- Pop-culture tourism
- Public private partnerships in tourism management
- Religious tourism
- Sustainable tourism
- Specialist tourism (Nature, Cultural, Sport etc.)
- Slum tourism
- Special interest tourism marketing and management
- The sharing economy in the tourism industry
- Transforming visitor experience through tourism marketing
- Virtual tourism
- War tourism
- Wellness tourism
- Wildlife tourism
Cultural Heritage:
- Assessment and reuse
- Analysis of building technologies
- Cultural Heritage-Religion History, Language and Faith Tourism
- Cultural Heritage-Gastronomy Tourism and Culinary Arts
- Cultural Heritage-History-Politics-Society and Tourism
- Cultural Heritage-Environment and Tourism
- Cultural Heritage Management and Promotion / Communication
- Cultural Heritage / Cultural Memory and Archive Applications
- Cultural Heritage and Tourist Guidance
- Cultural Assets and Product Diversification
- Cultural Heritage and City Types
- Culture, Art and Trade on Silk Road
- Cultural Heritage And Tourism in the Turkish-Islamic World
- Cultural heritage and sustainability
- Conservation and exploitation of cultural heritage
- Computer sciences in cultural heritage
- Castles and fortresses
- Corrosion and material decay
- Defence heritage
- Evolution of historical sites
- Earth construction
- Ecological impact
- Guidelines, codes and regulations for cultural heritage
- Heritage and tourism
- Heritage masonry
- Heritage management and economic analyses
- Heritage architecture and historical aspects
- Impact of climate change on cultural heritage and management
- Industrial heritage
- Islamic heritage
- Learning from the past
- Material characterisation
- Maritime heritage
- Modern (19th/20th century) heritage
- New technologies and materials
- Non-destructive testing and monitoring
- Performance and maintenance
- Restoration of metallic structures
- Seismic vulnerability
- Socio-economic sustainability
- Safety and security
- Safeguarding of cultural heritage
- Surveying and monitoring
- Stone masonry walls
- Simulation and modelling
- Transportation heritage
- Wooden structures