The Role and Benefits of Eco-Tourism in the Kashmir Valley

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Syed Ab Basit Andrabi


Kashmir Valley, a region renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and cultural richness. Eco-tourism in Kashmir serves as a multifaceted tool, contributing significantly to environmental conservation, economic development, and the preservation of cultural heritage. The region's diverse ecosystems, encompassing lush valleys and pristine lakes, are at the core of eco-tourism's role in fostering responsible tourism practices. By prioritizing sustainability, eco-tourism aids in the preservation of Kashmir's unique biodiversity and fragile ecosystems, ensuring they remain intact for future generations. Economically, eco-tourism becomes a catalyst for growth in the Kashmir Valley. It generates employment opportunities, from guiding and hospitality to artisanal crafts, uplifting local communities. The income generated from eco-tourism activities serves as a sustainable source of revenue for businesses and entrepreneurs, fostering economic resilience. Additionally, the study underscores the cultural significance of eco-tourism, emphasizing the role it plays in community engagement, cultural preservation, and global awareness. The exchange between tourists and locals not only promotes authentic experiences but also ensures the safeguarding of Kashmir's rich cultural heritage. In essence, this research sheds light on the transformative potential of eco-tourism, positioning it as a key driver for sustainable development in the picturesque Kashmir Valley.

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