Effectiveness of Psychological Well-Being among the Population of Jammu and Kashmir

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Mukesh Kumar Dr. Manpreet Kaur


The Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, located in the northwestern part has found itself under a stormy socio-political condition since it is beset by historical issues as well as persistent confrontations. In light of this, this study aimed to conduct validity testing on psychological well-being among Jammu and Kashmir people. This was done through a thorough analysis that focused on varied facets of psychological wellness regarding the peculiar cultural, social and political landscape. The methodology used a deductive approach and quantitative surveys to reveal the intricate aspects of psychological being as realized by individuals living in Jammu & Kashmir. Data were quantitatively collected using standardized methods measuring factors such as levels of stress, anxiety symptoms, depressive disorders and resilience or satisfaction with life in 50 participants. For primary quantitative data that had been collected, SPSS was used to undertake different types of data analysis such as descriptive statistics, ANOVA test, T-Test, regression analysis, and others.

The results showed complicated relations of diverse determinants of psychological well-being that Jammu and Kashmir has experienced. Outstanding resilience and adaptive coping strategies were witnessed by a massive number of citizenry notwithstanding continual socio-political trials. On the other hand, stress anxiety, and depression rates were also substantial, especially for certain population groups exposed to conflict or disruption. Additionally, the research revealed multiple protective factors which provided psychological well-being. in consideration of this region. Effective and supportive social networks, cohesiveness of the community and cultural resilience emerged as robust buffers against negative effects associated with some biological stressors or traumatic events. Besides, the availability of mental health resources and interventions led him to be an essential factor in driving psychological well-being among the people in Jammu and Kashmir.

Additionally, qualitative analysis revealed the subtleties under which individuals interpret and deal with their psychological situation in Jammu and Kashmir's socio-political environment. A variety of themes ranging from collective trauma, and identity dynamics to resilience narratives were identified through the stories told by participants and represent the diverse nature of psychological well-being in that part of the world. Hence, this study highlights the significance of psychological well-being at the population level in Jammu and Kashmir. When the interventions are designed to embrace these challenges and strengths that exist within the given socio-cultural context, coping skills can be developed to positively impact mental health. Finally, enhancing psychological well-being in Jammu and Kashmir stands vital not only for personal growth but also for facilitating sustainable peace building outcomes.

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